500+ colors and products. Simply click to buy.
HOW IT WORKS: It’s easy. Each image links to the corresponding product page on Lazada, so you can easily buy what you want with just a few clicks.
Disclaimer: Depending on the monitor of your device, the color/s you see may be slightly different from the actual paint color.
For HIRO PLAS Lacquers, click here for product list.
The ultimate wet & dry professional artist palette set
Hiro Sets
Hiro Main Series
Hiro Shade (Wash)
Nuln Oil (Citadel Shade) Match
Agrax Earthshade (Citadel Shade) Match
Biel-Tan Green (Citadel Shade) Match
Carroburg Crimson (Citadel Shade) Match
Casandora Yellow (Citadel Shade) Match
Drakenhof Nightshade (Citadel Shade) Match
Reikland Fleshshade (Citadel Shade) Match
Seraphim Sepia (Citadel Shade) Match
Tyran Blue (Citadel Shade) Match
Soulblight Grey (Citadel Shade) Match
Mortarion Grime (Citadel Shade) Match
Targor Rageshade (Citadel Shade) Match
Berserker Bloodshade (Citadel Shade) Match
Kroak Green (Citadel Shade) Match
Closest match - Druchii Violet (Citadel Shade)
Closest match - Aethermatic Blue (Wash version of Citadel Contrast)
Power Paints by Hiro (Contrast)
Apothecary White (Citadel Contrast) Match
Gryph-Charger Grey (Citadel Contrast) Match
Space Wolves Gray (Citadel Contrast) Match
Basilicanum Gray (Citadel Contrast) Match
Black Templar (Citadel Contrast) Match
Skeleton Horde (Citadel Contrast) Match
Aggaros Dunes (Citadel Contrast) Match
Guilliman Flesh (Citadel Contrast) Match
Darkoath Flesh (Citadel Contrast) Match
Snakebite Leather (Citadel Contrast) Match
Gore Grunta Fur (Citadel Contrast) Match
Fyreslayer Flesh (Citadel Contrast) Match
Wyldwood (Citadel Contrast) Match

Iyaden Yellow (Citadel Contrast) Match
Nazdreg Yellow (Citadel Contrast) Match
Plaguebearer Flesh (Citadel Contrast) Match
Creed Camo (Citadel Contrast) Match
Militarum Green (Citadel Contrast) Match
Ork Flesh (Citadel Contrast) Match
Warp Lightning (Citadel Contrast) Match
Dark Angels Green (Citadel Contrast) Match
Terradon Turquoise (Citadel Contrast) Match
Aethermatic Blue (Citadel Contrast) Match
Ultramarines Blue (Citadel Contrast) Match
Talasaar Blue (Citadel Contrast) Match
Leviadon Blue (Citadel Contrast) Match
Volupus Pink (Citadel Contrast) Match
Magos Purple (Citadel Contrast) Match
Shyish Purple (Citadel Contrast) Match