Demystifying NMM Painting
With NMM Contest Winner Prynze Reyes
What is NMM?
NMM stands for Non Metallic Metal, a technique used by painters to replicate the visual effect of reflective metal using matte color paints.
This is done by careful layering of colors and blending them to achieve a realistic look. Because of the relative difficulty of the technique, miniatures with a well-done NMM effect often garner much attention and respect especially from fellow enthusiasts.
Aztec Orc Warrior
by Prynze Reyes
Read on to find out how Prynze achieves the NMM effect using Hiro paints

About the Artist
Prynze Reyes is a young miniature painter and commission artist from the Philippines. With a unique style simulating colored pencil sketches, he’s a rising star and one to look out for.
Winner of the 2022 Pilipintados NMM painting contest sponsored by Hiro, we reached out to Prynze to get to know his winning technique.
3 Rules to Remember
NMM sounds intimidating, but don’t fret! Prynze gives us 3 hard and fast rules to remember when painting using the NMM technique
“First, I figure out where the light source is, then focus the lighter parts there. I'm never afraid to push contrasts to either black or white. It will actually help the NMM effect to be seen easily.” (Prynze Reyes, 2022)
“So, I follow a basic rule for NMM which is the typical darkest to light.“
Prynze gives us a guide for the Hiro colors he used, for NMM gold and NMM silver, in respective order:
NMM Gold:
Hiro Dark Brown
Hiro Mahogany
Hiro Copper Brown
Hiro Desert Sand
Hiro Sand Yellow
Hiro Cream Yellow
Hiro Ivory
NMM Silver/Steel:
Hiro Midnight Gray
Hiro Dark Gray
Hiro Cool Gray
Hiro Arctic Gray
Hiro Ivory
”I use a 2 brush and a 1 brush with a good tip to simulate pencil sketches. The thinner the lines, the better. Layering, Wet-Blending, and Feathering will be your best friend for NMM.”
Stage 1: Coat with Primer
Start with priming the model with Hiro paints primer. The primer ensures that the matte color paints will adhere well to the plastic model.
Stage 2: Apply Base Colors
Next, paint the model with the main midtone colors. It’s good to use a photograph or work of concept art as a reference, so that the colors especially in this initial stage will be pleasing to the eye.
Stage 3: Layer the Paints
Bring the model to life by adding highlights, shadows, and color to the various details of the model. For the NMM portions of the model (typically swords, armor, or other reflective surfaces), follow the 3 Rules to Remember:
Find the Light Source
Paint Darkest to Lightest
Use Thin Strokes
This part takes the most time, but will produce the most results. Be patient and you will see results over time.
Stage 4: Add Details
Make the concept your own by adding your own personal touches. For this model, Prynze chose to create a rust effect on the sword.
Experiment with other techniques and aesthetics, in order to transform your miniature into something that is fits your unique taste and style.
Stage 5: Refine Details
Step back and study your miniature, as a whole. Make sure you don’t get tunnel vision and focus too much on any one part. Refine here, refine there. Don’t give up, it’s all part of the process.
The key to making the miniature look great is to ensure that all elements are cohesive, and the overall appearance of the model is pleasing to look at.
“For beginners, never be afraid of experimenting…
Making as much mistakes as possible early on will help you learn quicker in the long run.”
— Prynze Reyes, 2022

The Final Product

Gold NMM: Hiro Paints used by Prynze
Silver NMM: Hiro Paints used by Prynze
Get all paints used in 1 set.
It’s 20% off.
“They are the backbone of my NMM projects the moment I tried them.”
(Prynze Reyes, 2022)
“I do not only like painting minis, I love painting minis.
It has been my outlet of releasing stress…I also love seeing the results of my experiments, be it failed or successful. That is the beauty of painting minis for me.”
—Prynze Reyes, 2022