No airbrush? No problem!
You can now handpaint lacquers with…
PLAS High Pigmented Brushable Lacquer is a special lacquer formula optimized for handpainting.
Compared to airbrush ready lacquer paints, it is gentler on brush hairs, more self-leveling when handbrushed, and designed to have longer open time. With its premium high pigmentation and optimal viscocity, it has great coverage and is very easy to use.
Apply a small amount on a separate palette from other paints and use immediately. Use a synthetic, soft bristle paint brush, and paint in careful strokes one direction at a time.
Do not overlap brush strokes while the paint is still wet. You may brush on additional layer/s once the initial layer is touch dry after 2-5 minutes.
Let it fully cure for 48 to 72 hours.
If needed, thin the paint slightly with PLAS Leveling Brushable Lacquer Thinner Cleaner (LBLTC); use this also to clean out the paint from the brush.
To clean, you may rinse multiple times on a clean amount of LBLTC until no paint is left. Do not leave brush submerged in LBLTC for long periods of time.
It is safe to use on top of both fully cured waterbased primer/paints and other lacquers/acrylics. Even without primer, it adheres to hard surfaces including plastic (styrene, ABS, PP), metal, UV resin, etc.
Great for customizing gundam, handpainting scale models or 3D prints, DIY metal buckle repair, and even motorbike touchups.
Q: How does PLAS brushable lacquer compare to PLAS airbrush ready lacquers? Can the two be combined?
A: PLAS brushable lacquers have significantly higher pigmentation and resin content than the PLAS airbrush ready lacquers, with a durable yet gentler formula that is not as destructive to brush hairs. This makes them more ideal for handpainting. However, note that the two have different formulations & viscosities, and therefore cannot be substituted for one another.
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